NANO system

Dear clients, let us introduce to you our patented technology used for elimination of microorganisms growing in water. The complete range of products is described in our catalogue or, as the case may be, you may address our team of sales experts.

Our company and the Czech Television prepared a video on NANO pipes, you may see it here.


It is known that water distribution systems are made of plastic pipes. Their advantage is that they are chemically inert in respect of warm and cold water, they do not corrode and no scales are formed on their functional surfaces. Plastic distribution pipes are easily workable and distribution pipelines made of them show excellently low weight. Individual plastic distribution system part joints are poly-fusion welds and threaded reduction pieces. This makes the installation of water distribution pipelines much faster and easier.

Currently, it is very difficult to prevent growth of microorganisms that may contaminate drinking water both by means of drinking water source or due to long-term standing water in pipes that are not used (plastic pipeline section without drainage valves). Legionella is normally very common in the natural environment and in artificial systems such as drinking water distribution system and in all system connected to this source or the use and purpose of which is related in any way to such source. All such systems, not only water distribution system (outlets from such systems including taps, showers) but also other systems and devices connected to the distribution network or using it as a source of water including moisturisers, fountains, inhalation systems, diagnostic or therapeutic systems, dental drills and other aerosol producing system and other systems may pose a serious risk at hospitals and other health care facilities with regard to the occurrence of Legionella and other microorganisms. The same applies to households, hotels, sport or swimming sites, shopping centres and institutions the buildings of which are equipped with air-conditioning or other building management systems.

How can bacteria appear in water distribution systems?

Bacteria, for instance Legionella occur mainly as saprophytic species in natural water courses/bodies. They occur in both surface water and industrial water. As they are resistant to chlorine in concentrations used for the sanitation of drinking water such standard drinking water sanitation cannot eliminate such bacteria and they enter the distribution pipeline and final distribution sections of the system where they may start growing in warm water and form colonies throughout the warm water distribution system in the building.

Which distribution systems or building may be affected?

The water quality problem refers in fact to all drinking water distribution pipelines where water stands for longer periods of time in some branch lines which is an ideal environment for bacteria growth. The need to proof water quality refers mainly to hotels, hospitals, residential sites, sport or swimming sites, shopping centres equipped with air-conditioning and the like. The law stipulates obligation of such facilities to provide for continuous monitoring and evaluation of water quality and, if necessary, adopting corrective measures.

Currently used microorganism, growth elimination methods

The most common microorganism growth reduction method is so called short-term pre-heating of the medium (water) in pipelines to a high temperature provided there is need to sterilise or flush installed water distribution pipelines in case of detection of the occurrence of bacteria in the system. This process is very demanding to energy and time.

Out new patented solution = HP NANO AG = NANO PIPES
Our solution is based on the reduction of bacteria growth and full elimination of bacteria in pipeline systems by the application of NANO particles integrated to pipe walls. The NANO additive is enriched with silver particles that kill the bacteria and microorganisms by their structure and reactivity. The antibacterial effects of the additive are permanent and dependent on the primary additive dose.

Bacteria reduction method

Pipes and reduction pieces are enriched with a NANO additive that includes an antibacterial component including an auxiliary NANO material that controls the modelling of the effect of the antibacterial component. This antibacterial component is based on metal salts and metal-organic compounds respectively silver, silver salts and organic compounds of silver that kill bacteria and microorganism by their structure and reactivity. The additive antibacterial effects are permanent.

How many pipers are necessary for the required reduction effect?

Our company recommends installing always one complete NANO pipe system as the place of occurrence of bacteria in the pipeline system cannot be predicted. The major risk seems to be related to such sections of pipelines that are not used for extended periods of time. Bacteria start growing immediately after they enter the system, they form colonies that start growing exponentially after several hours.

Advantages of the application of HP NANO AG

The installation of pipes enriched with NANO silver particles significantly reduces the bacteria growth potential in the pipeline system. Thus, it is not necessary to sterilise, autoclave or flush installed distribution pipelines in case of detection of bacteria in the system. Pipes HP PPR + NANO AG form an integral system designated for pressurised water distribution and distribution pipelines. We reduce various bacteria species, for instance

Ecolli, Legionella and the like. The system is manufactured in all basic pressure series and dimensions 16 – 110 mm. The system service life is supposed to be 50 years. The system warranty period is 20 years.

Legionella is a relatively demanding specie that needs certain conditions for its survival. Water temperature is one of key factors affecting growth of Legionella. The ideal water temperature for this specie is 20 – 45 °C. Should the temperature grow any higher, Legionella will not survive. Should the temperature drop below 20 °C, bacteria does not growth but it may hibernate until the next water temperature increase. The bacteria reproduction period is 4 hours. It gets divided in two new bacteria after four hours and so own in geometric series until the count of tens of thousands. Other parameters that influence the bacteria life is supply of “nutrition”. Legionella loves some metals such as iron, copper and zinc that are commonly included to air-conditioning systems. As in case of many diseases, an efficient defence against Legionella infection is prevention that resides in the maintenance of good physical condition, i.e. strong immunity system.

The infection may enter human body by inhalation into lungs or contaminated drinking water. The disease is caused by bacteria living in water environment. Legionella prefers showers, steam baths and saunas.

E coli bacteria are found in most warm-blooded animals as a part of the colon physiological micro-flora. Should it be found (for instance in drinking water), it is an indication of water contamination with faeces as it happened for instance recently in Prague where an entire city part was exposed to contaminated water.

How to kill bacteria? For instance by boiling, baking, pasteurisation provided bacteria are exposed to the core temperature of at least 70 °C for at least 2 minutes. Unlike other species, these bacteria are relatively resistant to acidity, cold, drying and even freezing will not kill them reliably.